Fish Be With You!: Raising the Fries

Raising the Fries

In raising the fries you might notice that they make progress in color and in size you might also notice that their color is different from the mother it's because the mother and the father might different in color so the color of the fry will vary it can be the color of the mother or the color of the father or mixed color of the parents. Raising the fries is also hard because the fries are gentle and fragile and you need a water change every week or every 2 weeks so it's hard and while changing 20% of the water the fry might die. So I advice that you use a sprinkler (used on watering plants) in changing water. And you might notice that the fries are being bigger every week and you can notice their gender and their color. And when the fries are fully grown you need to separate the male from the female cause the males will harass the females. And remember that when the female and the male were placed in one tank they will breed and breed and breed then the female will be stressed. And you can also notice that when the fry is getting bigger it is not complete, example the fry doesn't have another fin it's because you keep on chasing them by your fish net or whatever thing you use to chase them. And remember that don't forget to feed the fries because they are fast to die. If you will go somewhere far that you will take too long to comeback (not very long) just put lots of java moss in your tank they will eat it.

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