Fish Be With You!: Taking Care Of Fries

Taking Care Of Fries

Taking care of fries is somehow hard cause the fries are very fragile. In taking care of fries they should have their own tank and you should not chase the fries or try to catch them cause they will die. Fries are very fragile and gentle. In terms of tank of the fry you need a low pressure air pump cause the fries will die in strong pressure. And the fries need to eat more then 3-4 times a day. In terms of food for fries there are many options of food as it can be homemade or from your local pet store,if you want the homemade food there are 2 possible food 1st is the hard boiled egg then 2nd  is the very fine fish flakes. To make the hard boiled egg fish food just hard boil an egg then remove the egg yolk from the egg white then put it in a small container then just pinch some small amount depending about how many fries you're going to feed then just put the container with egg yolk in a refrigerator. Then the 2nd food is the very fine fish flakes, you just need to crash the fish flakes, one way to crash the fish flakes is by putting it in resealable plastic bag or a plastic bag then tie the knot of the plastic bag or seal the the resealable plastic bag then just squeeze the bag so that the fish flake will be crashed, another way in crashing the fish flakes is by putting it in a cylindrical container or in the container itself of your fish flakes then just get a solid tube or something that you can use to crush the flakes inside the cylinder then just crush it until it became powder-like then just separate the powdered fish flakes from the non fully crushed fish flakes by filtering it in a strainer then put the powdered fish flakes in  the other container then just crush the flakes that is not fully powdered. And just feed them 3-4 time daily. Then if you want to know the gender of the fries it's hard cause they are small but if you have a sharp eye or a good camera you can know it but sometimes the fish's anal fin is so small or its like transparent cause it's thin.

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